
Kreatury, 2015, 10 min.

Creatures (2015)


Director Tessa Moult-Milewska
Screenplay Tessa Moult-Milewska
Animation Wojciech Sankiewicz
Music Krzysztof A. Janczak
Art Direction Michal Jankowski, Pawel Luczak
Producer(s) Ewa Jastrzebska
Harold and Matylda are a couple of misfits who live in a small town. As local residents point fingers at them and jeer them almost every day, they try to find a way to hide their otherness and, against all odds, find their own place in this extremely hostile community. This cut-out animation, with clear visual references to Lotte Reiniger’s works, is a grotesque and yet engrossing story of unusual love.