Letter 2023

Marek Dzida - Festival Director

Dear Friends,

As the adventure of discovering new films continues beautifully, I wish to invoke only your best impressions. Films created by Polish people are very special. They carry contemporary, and revealing truths about our times. They have been wonderfully mastered for you to receive the ideal experience.

It is my honor to present to you the 24th Annual Polish Film Festival Los Angeles.
Enjoy the thrills and many surprises as the films stream on !

Please make your invaluable, tax-deductible contribution, by a check made out to:

Polish Film Festival Los Angeles

and mailed to

117 Linden Ave,
Long Beach,
CA 90802,

or donate
through PayPal.

Without your support, this event would not be possible. We highly value and appreciate your anticipated generosity and dedication. Your passion for Polish films is our purpose.


Marek Dzida, Festival Director
and the Board of Directors, and Members of the Honorary Committee