Zdzislaw Kudla

Zdzislaw Kudla


Film director, designer, scriptwriter. Born in 1937 in Wesoła. Graduate of Painting Department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. From 1963, he has been working for the Animated Film Studio in Bielsko-Biala, initially as a scene-painter and next since 1968 as a film director. In 1992 he became the director of the Studio. He has received many awards in national and international film festivals.


2009 Copernicus’ Star (Gwiazda Kopernika)
2004 Ergo Sum
1992 A One Way Ticket Mr. Z (Bez powrotu panie Z)
1987 The Cockroach (Karaluch)
1986 Kidnapping in Tiutiurlistan (Porwanie w Tiutiurlistanie)
– Gold Hugo at the Chicago IFF ‘88
1978 The Replacement (Zamiana)
1977 A Spark Is Enough (Wystarczy iskierka)
The Executioner (Kat)
1976 How Mammoths Became Extinct (Jak wygineły mamuty)
1975 The Extraordinary Discovery (Niezwykłe odkrycie)
Impasse (Impas)
1974 The Elephant and the Baby Ostrich (Słoń i strusiątko)
1973 Winter Games (Zimowe igraszki)
In the Forest (W puszczy)
The Cross (Krzyż)
1972 The Flower (Kwiat)
The Hum of the Forest (Szum lasu)
– Young Audience Jury Award at the Nyon Visions Du Reel ’73
The Problem With a Graph (Problem z wykresem)
– Gold Medal At the Belgrade IFF ‘75
1971 A Live Exhibition (Żywa wystawa)

Paving-Stones (Bruk)
– Honorable Mention At the Oberhausen IFF 72;
– Gold Windmill at the Barcelona IAFF ‘72

The Snow Queen (Królowa śniegu)
1970 In the Tomb of the Pharaoh (Grobowiec faraona)
1969 Silesian’s Rhythm (Rytm Śląska)
In the Foothills of Kilimanjaro (Na stokach Kilimandżaro)
In the Canadian Forests (W puszczy Kanady)
1968 The Arena (Arena)