Grzegorz Linkowski

Grzegorz Linkowski
Grzegorz Linkowski – Director, cinematographer and producer of documentary films; Director of Cultural Academic Center UMCS in Lublin (“Zak’s Cottage”); Founder and Director of the International Documentary Film Festival (“Europe’s Crossroads”); animator for many artistic and multicultural works, such as “ Meeting with the Orthodox”, “Jews from Lublin”, “Lost and Acquired Identities”, and “The Soul of the Borderland”; co-author of well known debates on social and religious issues (“Exceeding the limits“); author of several dozen television programs dealing with theater and culture.

Grzegorz Linkowski has been honored at film festivals both in Poland as well as overseas. Among other awards, he received the Finalist Certificate Award at the New York Festival in 2004. He also holds a prestigious Polish Cultural Foundation award for artistic work on the theme of tolerance.


2013 To Forgive All Evil (Wybaczyć wszelkie zło)
2012 The Custodian of Garden (StraĹĽnik poranka)
2009 Inconvenient (Niewygodny)
2006 A Walk With the Diary (Spacer z dziennikiem)
A Ballad About Home (Ballada o domu)
2005 The Parish Priest of Majdanek (Proboszcz majdanka)
– Second Prize At the International Festival of Catholic Films in Niepokalanow
2004 Briefcases (Teczki)
2003 The March of the Living (Marsz ĹĽywych)
2002 Holy Children (Swięta dzieci)
2001 The Polish Prisoner of Syjon (Polski więzien syjonu)
2000 July Comes Before August (Przed sierpniem był lipiec)
1999-2000 Cat’s Alphabet (Alfabet kota)
1998 A Very Pleasant Town (Bardzo przyjemne miasto)
1998 Hassidic New Year’s Ballade (Ballada chasydzka o nowym roku)
1997 Das Wunder Von Podolien
1997 Written in David’s Star
1996 Brothers of the Same God (Bracia tego samego boga)
1994 The Chapel of Two Worlds (Kaplica dwóch światow)
1993 The Jews From Kazimierz (Żydzi kazimirscy)
1993 Grabarka Holy Mountain (Swięta góra Grabarka)