Perfect Killing

2015, 18 min.

Perfect Killing (2015)


Directors Antonio Eduardo Galdamez Munoz,
Julian A. Ch. Kernbach
Screenplay Antonio Eduardo Galdamez Munoz,
Julian A. Ch. Kernbach
Cinematography Julian A. Ch. Kernbach
Art Director Malgorzata Dabrowska, Magdalena Kostyra
Producer Jaga Berezowska-kernbach, Marcin Malatynski
Mr. White Adam Woronowicz
Manicurist/Procurer Aleksandra Poplawska
Mushroom Picker Andrzej Klak
Mr. White’s Victim Dawid Lipinski
Boy Olaf Marchwicki
A tale about a depressed killer who is lonely and surrounded by an elusive shadow. Mr. White is a murderer for hire taking orders from a boss who is pretending to be a manicurist. He is the best in his profession: always gets the job done right, on time, and in a reliable fashion. It is indeed this obsession with perfection that has made him a true professional, but one day he comes across a police photo radar and a mushroom picker.