The Ballad of Nameless Jo

Ballada o bezimiennym Joe, 2011, 13 min. and 30 sec.

The Ballad of Nameless Jo (2011)


Director Mateusz Heldweig
Screenplay Mateusz Heldweig
Cinematography Mateusz Heldweig
Animation Mateusz Heldweig
Music Blazej Heldwein, Mateusz Szemraj, Michal Stawarz
Producers Piotr Furmankiewicz, Mateusz Michalak


The temptation of fame and fortune may lead to horrific and dangerous decisions. Unable to deal with the consequences of making a pact with the devil, Billy Bob cons his friend Joe into paying his debt. Except that Joe ends up returning from hell, wanting to settle the score.