The City Sails On

Miasto płynie, 2009, 17 min.

The City Sails On (2009)


Director Balbina Bruszewska
Screenplay Balbina Bruszewska
Cinematoggraphy Tony Cappucino, Balbina Bruszewska, Daria Kopiec, Magdalena Bryll
Music Elektryczny Wegorz, Mieczyslaw Fogg, Jakub Gasowski, Sebastian Kondratowicz
Art Directors Balbina Bruszewska, Magdalene Bryll, Daria Kopiec, Urszula Tarasiewicz
Producer Zbigniew Zmudzki
A black-humor, true story about what happens when you look outside the window. About what you see when you go out to buy rolls and what awaits you in a dark nook when you are on our way home. And most of all it’s a film about the “nookiest nooks” of Łódź, a city in the centre of Poland.