The Purple Story

Purpurowa opowieść, 2012, 30 min.

The Purple Story (2012)


Nashville Film Festival
Watkins Young Filmmaker Award


Director Mateusz Madry
Screenplay Mateusz Madry
Cinematography Tomasz Wozniak, Mateusz Madry
Music Mate Manczinger
Art Director Jurand Bednarek
Producer Mateusz Madry


Staszek Robert Olech
Ania Laura Breszka
Purple Girl Malgorzata Lata
Landlord Kazimierz Mazur
Staszek’s Boss Maciek Matusik


A young reporter named Staszek helps an old man who got beat up by a gang of polish hooligans. When he finally comes home his whole life seems to fall apart until he is in a situation where he needs somebody to help him.