Malgorzata Potocka

Malgorzata Potocka

Actress, movie director and producer. Studied at the School of Film, Television and Theatre in Łódź: acting (1975-78) and film directing (1978-82). She played lead roles in almost 30 movies.

She is one of the cofounders of the Polish Association of the Independent Film Producers and was its first president until 1994.

In 1989 she founded the first private film company, M.M. Potocka Productions, which she is in charge of until now. The company has produced many feature films for both Polish and international producers. In 1975 she received The Zbyszek Cybulski Award.


2009 The Last Action (Ostania akcja)
2003 A Guard of the Past (Strażnik minionego czasu)
1998 Oko Ra
1985 Screen For Skopie (Ekran dla Skopje)
1984 Boguslaw Schaffer – Out of Scheme (Bogusław Schaffer – poza schematem)
1983 Three Spaces – Dobkowski, Krasinski, Winiarski (Trzy wnętrza – Dobkowski, Krasiński, Winiarski)
1980 Contact of Zones – a Life Painting of Krzysztof Zarebski (Strefy kontaktu – żywe obrazy Krzysztofa Zarębskiego)
– the Award of Film Critics at the Art Films Festival, Zakopane 1982
1980 Zoo
Second Award of the Polish Ethnographic Society At the Social Films Festival, Warsaw 1986
1978 Aberration (Aberracja)
– the Award of Film Critics at the Film Festival in Munich 1979
1979 Champion Off
Second Award of the Polish Ethnographic Society At the Social Films Festival, Warsaw 1986