Born in 1977, lives in Bielsk Podlaski, Poland. He runs his own mixed-media studio. Filmmaker, producer and graphic designer, former web designer, co-founder of the Dracha film group. A striking atmosphere of eastern spiritual culture generally characterizes his work. For his achievement, he was awarded the Air Lulka Award at the FPA Film Festival, Bialystok 2007.
2007 | Whisperers (Szeptuchy) | |
2003 | Rudaki – Prize At the Tomorrow Film Festival, Wroclaw 2003: – Toffi Film Festival and Grand Prix At Krakfa Film Festival, Krakow 2003 |
2001 | Haymaking (Sianokosy) – Gold Sprinkling Can Award At Kan Film Festival, Wroclaw 2001 |
2000 | Franz Is Going to Get Herring – First Prize At Tomorrow Film Festival, Wroclaw 2000 |