Marek Wlodzimirow

Marek Wlodzimirow
Born in 1977, lives in Bielsk Podlaski, Poland. He runs his own mixed-media studio. Filmmaker, producer and graphic designer, former web designer, co-founder of the Dracha film group. A striking atmosphere of eastern spiritual culture generally characterizes his work. For his achievement, he was awarded the Air Lulka Award at the FPA Film Festival, Bialystok 2007.


2007 Whisperers (Szeptuchy)
2003 Rudaki
– Prize At the Tomorrow Film Festival, Wroclaw 2003:
– Toffi Film Festival and Grand Prix At Krakfa Film Festival, Krakow 2003
2001 Haymaking (Sianokosy)
– Gold Sprinkling Can Award At Kan Film Festival, Wroclaw 2001
2000 Franz Is Going to Get Herring
– First Prize At Tomorrow Film Festival, Wroclaw 2000