After attending Cal Arts’ Character Animation program, Rob Minkoff began his career at the Walt Disney Studios working in the animation department. FIrst as character designer and then animator, Rob launched his directorial career with the Roger Rabbit shorts Tummy Trouble and Roller Coaster Rabbit. Rob made his feature directing debut with Disney’s Academy Award winning The Lion King. After a twelve year career at Disney, Rob began to explore the world of Live-Action with Columbia Pictures’ Stuart Little 1 & 2.
In 2007 Rob traveled to China to make The Forbidden Kingdom, starring Jackie Chan and Jet Li. He is very excited to return to China for the fantasy/action-adventure film, Chinese Odyssey after directing Mr. Peabody & Sherman for DreamWorks Animation which is due in theaters in 2013.
2011 | Flypaper | |
2008 | The Forbidden Kingdom | |
2003 | The Haunted Mansion | |
2002 | Stuart Little 2 | |
1999 | Stuart Little | |
1996 | The Lion King |