The Great Escape

Wielka ucieczka, 2006, 6 min.

The Great Escape (2006)


Director Damian Nenow
Screenplay Damian Nenow
Music Maciej Chomicz (khyro Interactive)
Producer Marcin Kobylecki

Sunny is a mediocre guy who earns his living showing up on the weather forecast every day. He is responsible for the sunny spots on the map. Nothing much really, in other words he is part of the set day after day for several years. Finally he gets fed up with the monotony and the boring job; he wants something more from life. One day he decides to break free from this humdrum reality. Through an amusing coincidence he gets out of the screen inside the box.
There a surreal world opens for him, a world full of scrap-iron, cables and electronic elements. It turns out that Sunny is not alone inside the TV set. So the escape begins.