The Officer’s Wife

2010, 77 min.

The Officer's Wife (2010)


Director Piotr Uzarowicz
Screenplay Piotr Uzarowicz
Cinematography Joseph D. Urbanczyk
Music Jan A.P. Kaczmarek
Producers Julia Janata, Jan A.P. Kaczmarek, Piotr Uzarowicz
Cecylia Beata Pozniak


This documentary is about a filmmaker who makes a startling discovery. After his father’s death, he opens a bank safe deposit box where he finds his grandmother Cecylia’s autobiography, old photos of an army officer and a mysterious postcard. He plunges into the depths of the former Soviet Union to understand what his father never discussed, retrace his grandfather’s final footsteps and to bear witness to his last moments. Weaving dramatic interviews with bold animation, The Officer’s Wife probes the collision of truth, justice and memory in a family tragedy.